Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Infrastructure and Health Ministers renew call for passengers to wear face coverings on public transport

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon and Health Minister Robin Swann are again reminding the travelling public of the importance of wearing face coverings on public transport including buses, trains and the Strangford Ferry.

Minister Nichola Mallon and Health Minister Robin Swann

With more people travelling over the festive period Ministers Mallon and Swann are again appealing for people to do this safely by wearing a face covering unless medically exempt.

Face coverings are mandatory on public transport as part of efforts in place to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19. 

Passengers travelling on public transport services in Northern Ireland are required to

wear a face covering. Face coverings are also required in public transport stations.

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon said:  

“We are all aware of the rising case numbers and the pressure on our health service. Now is the time to redouble our efforts, particularly during the busy festive period, to remain vigilant and continue to play our part in preventing the spread of Covid-19. 

“Our public transport operators have provided vital services throughout this pandemic, and additional services are being added over the Christmas period to ensure that we can all travel safely. Our front line transport workers have worked tirelessly and unacceptably they have been subject to abuse on too many occasions when reminding some passengers of the need to wear a face covering. That must stop.

"You must wear a face covering when travelling on our public transport services and in stations, unless you are exempt. By wearing a face covering you are helping protect your fellow passengers and public transport staff and playing your role in keeping everyone safe.

"We must all do all we can to follow the public health guidelines and make safer choices to reduce the transmission rates of Covid-19 and to protect the vulnerable, ourselves and our health service throughout the festive period and beyond.”    

Health Minister Robin Swann said:

“Our fight against Covid 19 is still not over. The recent emergence of the new variant Omicron has highlighted this. Face coverings continue to be an effective public health measure against this virus.

We all have a part to play to curtail the transmission of Covid 19 and to protect ourselves and those we come into contact with on a daily basis. This includes keeping your distance, wearing a face covering, good hand hygiene and of course getting a Covid 19 vaccine and your booster.”

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