Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Council receives an update on key infrastructure projects for Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council

Causeway Coast & Glens Council members have been updated by the Department for Infrastructure on works being undertaken in 2021/22.

Causeway Coast & Glens Council members have been updated by the Department for Infrastructure on works being undertaken in 2021/22.

Speaking as he addressed council members this evening Divisional Roads Manager, Mr Colin Hutchinson, said:

“This year we have continued to deliver our programmes whilst dealing with

the impacts of Covid-19 on our organisation and contractors. 

“Major resurfacing schemes have recently been completed on the A29 Carhill Road, Garvagh, B64 Maghera Street and Drumagarner Road, Kilrea, B66 Ringsend Road Limavady, B68 Ballyquin Rd, Dungiven, B44 Altinure Road, Feeny, B67 Moyarget Road. Ballymoney and Whitepark Road, Ballintoy. Further major resurfacing schemes programmed for completion this financial year include A37 Broad Road at Drumalief, Limavady, B93 Killagan Road, Ballymoney and A44 Drones Road, Armoy. These schemes are due to be commenced very shortly.”

Mr Hutchinson also highlighted Minister Mallon’s commitment to investing in improved safety measures outside schools and informed the Council of a further 10 locations across the Causeway Coast & Glens Council area where 20 mph speed limits will be provided outside schools in this financial year.  

"I am also pleased to note continued good progress on construction of the A6 Dungiven to Drumahoe dualling project and I can confirm that it is on target for completion next year."

Continuing Mr Hutchinson added:

“I am pleased to note that on the Capital side budgets are broadly similar to last year. Resource allocations will allow the Department to maintain the road network in a similar way to last year and once again I am pleased to report the Minister has allocated sufficient funding to allow a full street lighting repair service for the entire year and this is to be welcomed.”

Mr Hutchinson, also updated members on active travel and blue/green projects for the Causeway Coast & Glens Council area which included completion of a new shared footway/cycleway at Foreglen, Dungiven. He commented that since coming to office Minister Mallon has emphasised her commitment to improving active travel and this year is investing £20million to her Blue/Green fund, with £11million towards active travel. She has also created a number of new posts across the Department to help deliver more opportunities for walking, wheeling and cycling.

Mr Hutchinson continued:

“Road safety for pedestrians and cyclists is also paramount and plans are underway for further schemes. These include a scheme to continue pedestrian and cycle provision along Coleraine Ring Road between Beechfield Park and Portrush Road Roundabout.”

Concluding Mr Hutchinson said: 

“Local officials will continue to develop local transport and safety schemes and maintenance programmes to enhance safety, improve traffic flow and provide measures for pedestrians and cyclists.”

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