Friday, February 19, 2021

Lough Neagh fishermen given a conditional discharge for breaching Fisheries Act

Today at Dungannon Magistrates Court, a Lough Neagh commercial fisherman was given a conditional discharge for one year after being detected with undersized fish and taking fish during the annual close season.

Joseph McElroy (33) of Killycanavan Road, Coagh, Cookstown, County Tyrone was given a conditional discharge for one year after he pleaded guilty to three breaches of the Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1966.

On 20 August 2019 Fisheries Protection

Officers from DAERA Inland Fisheries were carrying out an Inspection of premises belonging to Edgewater Foods Ltd, Killycanavan Road, Coagh, Cookstown County Tyrone were Mr McElroy is named as a Director and Fish Processor.

They detected Mr McElroy processing his nets and after further inspection was found to be in possession of trout during the annual close season along with a number of trout and pollan that were under the minimum landing size.

The outcome in this case demonstrates the commitment of DAERA Inland Fisheries enforcement staff in pursuing those whose actions have a detrimental impact on fish stocks.

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