Thursday, June 16, 2022

Vicki Renz launches Multilingual answers at your fingertips for women struggling to conceive

Vicki Renz, founder, Oh my Mama Body

Vicki Renz launches a revolutionary searchable video guide App in response to females seeking specific answers to their trying to conceive journey

Women have access to thousands of free videos online, yet they may not be specific enough, leading to lots of time wasted. The unique search feature allows my followers to navigate the guide with ease”
— Vicki Renz
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM , June 15, 2022 / -- Vicki Renz launched today a revolutionary searchable video guide App in response to females seeking specific answers to their trying to conceive journey.

Vicki’s App provides direct answers; simply by searching for a specific keyword, the App uses artificial intelligence to bring you to the exact point in the video where you can find your answer. Vicki understands fertility issues from personal experience and this helps women feel understood and comforted by the advice given.

7 out of 10 women who contact Vicki at Oh My Mama Body are experiencing fertility problems. 1000’s of women ask for help to understand their cycle and their own body, something that is not provided by our busy healthcare systems:

● Females with fertility struggles, ovarian cysts and early pregnancy worries are overwhelmed with the stress of facing postponed appointments due to current pressures on the health system
● Each month that passes places enormous anxiety on those who are battling with fertility problems; another month passed is another month lost

85% of women surveyed in Vicki’s Oh My Mama Body groups feel that they are not getting answers from their doctor fast enough and/or have been turned away. Further research reveals that 30% of infertility cases may be due to high stress levels. Those with higher levels of stress have lower chances of conceiving.

1 in 6 couples in the UK face difficulties conceiving. A specific fertility question may take more than a year to be answered. In the case of miscarriage, most countries require a women to prove she had 3 miscarriages before any fertility checks are carried out.

Females looking for answers are stuck in a vicious circle of stress with having nowhere to turn to for specific answers, long periods of waiting and ever increasing stress levels.

The internet is a place to ask questions about intimate bodily changes, many women waste hours searching but not getting the answers they need. Vicki’s YouTube Channel and website provides answers and support, yet Vicki realised that she is no longer personally able to answer the 100’s of questions she receives daily. Her new guide is able to provide the support and answers to all the questions her followers are asking.

Vicki said, “Women have access to thousands of free videos online, yet they may not be specific or helpful enough, leading to lots of time wasted. The organisation of the table of contents and unique search feature allows my followers to navigate the guide with ease”.

She continued, “What’s more, not everyone speaks fluent English so it is really important to have top quality closed captions and audio translation of my videos. I am so passionate about helping women to understand their body so that they feel good about themselves”. She is confident this guide and guides to come will give her followers the answers they are looking for.

Before giving birth to two healthy boys, Vicki experienced five miscarriages and knows how distressing it is to struggle with fertility; not knowing if you can have a full-term pregnancy, waiting for months for results of tests, traumatic situations due to less experienced doctors and staff, feeling the pressure of time ticking away between waits for appointments…
Vicki spent hundreds of hours studying healing techniques to help her own fertility journey. Now she uses the same techniques to support and guide women through their fertility struggles. Upon speaking with Vicki, women say that they feel more calm and clear.

● She has created free downloadable guides and courses
● She further guides women in one-to-one transformative Womb Healing sessions to release underlying stress which could be blocking fertility
● Furthermore, Vicki invites women to join her Mama Meets and Midwife Group on Facebook. The group is packed with free resources supporting women on their journeys to motherhood.

Vicki’s “Oh My Mama Body” YouTube channel is growing fast, heading towards 40,000 subscribers and has over 3.5 million views already. In response to the hundreds of comments Vicki receives, she is planning to create further specific video content Guides to help women find the answers they need fast.

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