Monday, November 22, 2021

Transport plan aims to reduce carbon and improve air quality across Norfolk

A Norfolk wide plan which aims to support a growing economy, strengthen communities and reduce our impact on the environment is to be considered at the meeting of Full Council on Monday, 29 November.

The Norfolk Local Transport Plan is set to drive the county’s transport policy for the

next 15 years and key challenges that the plan seeks to address include carbon reduction and air quality.

Cllr Martin Wilby, Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Transport, said: “Just days after cop26 ended, and the world’s focus is on firm action to secure the future of our planet, it’s timely that we have before us a forward-looking plan that is set to drive a low carbon transport future for our county.

“This is a time for action and this transport plan is another of the very real actions we’re taking as a county council that will make a difference and support our ambitious pledge to achieve net zero carbon by 2030 - a pledge that was a key part of the authority’s Environmental Policy which councillors unanimously voted to adopt in November 2019.”

Once the LTP is approved a detailed implementation plan will be drawn up during 2022. This will take into account national targets and guidance, including how local areas will deliver ambitious quantifiable carbon reductions in transport, taking into account the differing transport requirements of different areas.

The updated Local Transport Plan will be discussed by Full Council on Monday 29 November - view the papers for the meeting online.

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